MOTHER’S DREAM QUILT PROJECT in honor of Mother’s Day

A flyer stated, “A collection of quilts sewn in a uniform quilting pattern known as ‘“Mother’s Dream.” Each quilt contains meaningful fabric from a victim or survivor of gun violence, and is surrounded by blocks submitted by mothers who share in our collective sadness over too many lives shattered by gunfire. The quilts are part of a nationwide campaign to end gun violence. Sponsored by Moms Demand Action.”

I walked in the room and cried immediately. As soon as someone asked me who I was and why I was there. They were lovely volunteers…heartfelt and simply wanting to help Mother’s grieve and to make a difference in our crazy world.

Someone helped me pick out the fabric and design it. I brought one of Patrick’s football jerseys….we cut it up. We took pieces from it to include in our square.

Patrick loved playing for The Junior Warriors, the feeder team for his high school team, who were also called The Warriors. He would have played in high school and he would have been coached by his cousin Matt. His sister is a cheerleader and she would have cheered at his games.

He was a lineman. He was a protector. His job was to keep the other team away from his quarterback. He was a Warrior on the field.

In school he was a protector of the weak from bullies. Many a time a mother called to thank me and to see how Patrick was doing. I would hear how he took a punch or was pushed hard while protecting her son or daughter. When I asked him what happened, he would have very few words to say about it…usually something simple like, “That guy was being mean and I needed to help them.” He was a Warrior at school.

He was always an army guy. Played with army guys and wore camoflage. He had several different ideas for careers. I would not have been surprised if he had joined the army. He was a Warrior and he would have gladly fought for our country.

He is in Heaven. And I am a thousand percent sure that he has been assigned to St. Michael the Archangel . . . fighting evil and helping the weak. Why? He will always be a Warrior.

I learned a lot from being his mother. He is still teaching me. Teaching me how to be tough and keep on fighting. How to not let the darkness take over the world. How to spread light and give hope. How to fight for what is right…even when I just want to curl up and cry. He is teaching me to be a Warrior….a Warrior Mother!!!!!

So, this simple, small contribution to a large quilt made with much love from many grieving mothers… actually quite large and impactful. It holds a world of love and sorrow and dreams unfulfilled. But, it also holds this mother’s Warrior Spirit. It shall be joined with many other squares from other grieving mothers. Joined together to make one strong, solid quilt for all to see. A large group of Warrior Mothers!!!!!

Thank you Moms Demand Action for helping to make this happen.

You are all Warriors.