1,305. That is how many days have passed since we last saw Patrick.
1,879,200 minutes. Approximately.
Not a single minute goes by that he is not on my mind. While I eat and sleep and work and play and read and create, he is ever present.
His life was short. But, because he was a very dynamic person…a strong willed force of nature…..the space his spirit occupied here on earth is huge. It makes sense that his legacy is tremendous.

Patrick Lives On. A non profit created out of pure love. One that is filled with hope and inspiration and encouragement. One that has taken it’s grief and reshaped it. Turned the mess into a message. A 14 year old boy, senselessly gunned down because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He is no longer with us, but he lives on in hundreds of kids that are helped each month. His energy enables them to go to after school classes and summer camps. It helps them stay off the streets and safe. It gives them a chance to spark a new interest, possibly changing the course of their life in a positive manner.
On Sept 8th the actors from CHICAGO PD, CHICAGO MED and CHICAGO FIRE will come together for a night of celebration. They will give their hearts and time to help us help others.
LaRoyce Hawkins will lead them in song and improv and comedy along side The Jeff Gibbs Band.
And every single minute, Patrick will be there…laughing and singing and happy to help others.
Please come join the party. When you are there, say hello to me.
I am Patricia, Patrick’s Mom. I will be the one who cries at times, but will spend most of my minutes smiling and thrilled by my son’s legacy.
Our motto is “Be Strong. Use Words. Not Violence.”
Visit patrickliveson.org to see what we are all about.