A freezing day with temps dipping near zero. Perfect “January in Chicago” weather.

A day to sit inside and be thankful that I have a warm home, good food and loving family and friends.

A day to be filled with gratitude and joy.

A day to stay in the moment and enjoy this moment. Live this moment. Feel this moment.

No reflecting on the past, no dreaming of the future. To simply be. To cherish.

And then . . . the dog jumps on the computer, my coffee spills and the moment drifts away. Into another more hectic (and wet) moment. One just as lovely but filled with a bit of cursing and paper towels and stained pajamas!! LOL.

Happy New Year!

We are starting 2019 out with a bang. Busy planning our spectacular 3rd Annual Film Showcase on March 9th. Hard to believe that I simply wanted to share my little movie LIGHT three years ago. That desire turned into a Film Showcase which has now morphed into a Film Showcase/Networking Event at Resolution Studios and sponsored by Cinespace. Kinda crazy. Each year more people join our forces and help us become bigger and better. Our second little movie entitled THE FOLLOWER shall premiere this year. Yay!

We are also busy planning lots of events at Maine West High School. This was the high school Patrick would have attended. His sister Zoe is a Freshman there and his many friends go there. Each year the school raises funds for a charity and this year they picked Patrick Lives On. We are overjoyed about it. It shall be a tool of healing for the students, for all who knew him and for our entire community.

Patrick would have been a senior this year. He would be planning for college and getting excited about Prom, etc. He would be working a job and probably getting in a fair bit of high school type trouble He would have been looking out for his kid sister and helping his father and I around the house. He would have been hanging with his three dogs and hanging in his room.

He still is. He is here. He lives on in the hundreds of kids we have helped. He lives on in the messages of hope we share through our Public Service Announcements and Short Films. He lives on in all the kids who receive The Patrick Boswell Courage Award. He lives on in my heart and my soul and it gives me the strength and determination and desire to do what it right and what will make a difference. His departure shocked me into opening my eyes really really wide. To see it all and enjoy it all and to be grateful for it all. To take the humungous amount of love in my heart and to spread it out.

Aaannndddd all of you people helping and supporting and listening and caring are my backbone. My iron rod that keeps me erect when I get tired and stumble. Yes, contrary to popular belief, sometimes I actually do get tired. lol.

Hang on cause 2019 is going to be quite a ride. We. are. just. getting. started!!! I thank and appreciate you all. It is a New Year. I am filled with New Energy and New Hope.

Viva Le Patrick!!!!!